subject: Determining the responsibility in case of dog bite injuries [print this page] Dog bites may have serious consequences for the victim. Any injury caused because of this reason is within the realm of personal injury law. However, every state has certain statutes in place that outline the legal aspect of this type of injury cases. Florida has a number of laws and statutes pertaining to these cases.
If you or someone from your family is a victim, it is best to get in touch with an injury attorney proficient in Florida dog bite laws. Your county or city may have a set of applicable rules in place as well. Therefore, it is good to consider an attorney practicing in your vicinity. Whether you are a resident of Miami or Kissimmee, you need to find a legal professional in your city.
Determining fault the legal way
The initial question that arises is who is at fault. The owner of the dog is in most cases held liable for the injury caused. While the dog owner is not held liable for the first bite causing injuries in some states, Florida laws give no such allowance. The owner is liable for the injuries from the first incident.
Comparative negligence' rule is applicable on dog bite incidents in the state. This implies that the victim may be, in part, liable for the injury caused. For example, if the dog owner has told the victim about the dog's dislike for strangers and the victim still went on petting it, this rule is applied.
If the dog was just trying to defend its owner's life or property from a potential threat, you may not have a case.
Determining the damages and the liability
Any victim, or his/her family members, may file a lawsuit at a Florida court against the dog owner to recover damages. However, before you do this, it is necessary to talk to an injury attorney to weigh the evidence and determine the position of the case. The attorney would also help evaluate the injury and decide on the grounds for claims.
The next step is the evaluation of the injury and the claim. The compensation includes the medical costs, lost wages, physical and psychological suffering, and so on. Sometimes, dog bites can cause ugly scars. Scarring may have a serious impact on your personal life later. Therefore, the compensation may include costs for skin grafting, counseling, etc.
Most of these lawsuits are resolved with methods like negotiation. YourKissimmee Injury Attorney works on your behalf to reach a fair and adequate settlement for the injury. If the dog owner has homeowners insurance, your attorney has to deal with the insurance adjuster. In case the case reaches trial, it is the task of the attorney to collect evidence to prove the dog owner's responsibility.
Get more legal information:
To get more information in this specific law, you may contact with your State Bar Association that provides accurate information about the state laws and rights. Or else you may look for free legal info from any online lawyer directory. You will find many lawyers firm listed.
Determining the responsibility in case of dog bite injuries
By: Allek Hall
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