subject: Agriculture & Environment Industries Are One Of The Biggest Potential Businesses - Part 1 Of 3 [print this page] I attended a course years back and the tutors told us about the feasible future growing commercial sectors in the forthcoming fifty years. They listed out about 15 sectors but I can only recall a few of the industries.
For the feasible rising commercial sectors, please note that every country may have distinct resources, environment, manpower, weather and others for their local requirements. Below list of industries are generally applicable to all the countries :-
1) Environment Related Sector
2) Agriculture Sector
3) Energy Sector
4) Infrastructure Sector
5) Education & Health Services Sector
6) Professional and Business Services Sector
7) Information Businesses Sector
8) Financial Activities Sector
9) Logistic Sector
10) Drinking Water Sector
Item (3) Energy Sector - Do you know that this will create wars if there is a shortage in this sector ? Every country is struggling energies for their industrial and people consumption. Just for your information, lack of either gold or energies will cause war.
Item (4) Infrastructure Sector - This is the basic necessity for a better living environment of beings. Within the forthcoming fifty years, I feel that it is impossible to hit the saturated development stage globally, especially in the third world, Asia and/or less developed countries.
Item (5) - (8) Sectors - These are generally the smokeless services related industries for the welfare, commercial, trading, hotel, tourism, and others. The demand in these sectors will never stop but I personally perceive that the competitions of these sectors are high. To be sustainable in these sectors, the uniqueness of businesses and better service quality level will determine the survivors.
Item (9) Logistic Sector - Due to depleting of natural resources, for example crude oil and others, and increment of living expenses for the general public, the world will switch the way of living of the public by pooling resources to serve commercial and non-commercial means. By the time, I personally foresee that the majority of the people will work at their residential territory and physical merchandise deliveries will be handled through the logistic services. Certainly, I also personally perceive that the competition of this logistic sector is great too.
Item (10) Drinking Water Sector - The supply of sources of non-polluted water is slowly decreasing due to human acts such as weather, pollutions, wars, etc. Other factors may be the wastages by the public and industrial uses. This sector may be a heavy capital investment and the wealthy is much easier to share the cake of this sector.
For items (1) Environment Related Sector and (2) Agriculture Sector, I personally feel that these two sectors are greatly critical and the expansion of these two industries are almost perfectly assured. I will elaborate further in the next two articles (Part 2 and Part 3) why they are important.
by: Chin M.W.
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