subject: Texas Hold Em Poker Tips 9 Amazing Points About Holdem [print this page] Texas Hold Em Poker is a fabulous gameTexas Hold Em Poker is a fabulous game. If you are currently annoyed that you often lose money in poker, or if you are making money but are interested in making more, then I am sure that you, like me, will be amazed at these little tidbits of information I found about poker.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #1
The average winning hand in poker is a two-pair. So think twice next time you are at a showdown with only a pair or top pair.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #2
When you are post-flop, if you calculate your numbers of outs and multiple by 4, you will have a very good approximate percentage of your likelihood of hitting by the showdown.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #3
The most successful strategy, or play style, aka player type, is loose aggressive.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #4
Most new players just play far too many pots to win. The odds just aren't stacked in their favour. You cannot win them all (even if you think you can).
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #5
Most players are content to fire a bullet (bluff pre-flop), a much smaller percentage will fire two (use a continuation bet post-flop) and none but the most brason will fire a third (continue bluffing post-turn).
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #6
Money flows clockwise around the table. So the money flows to the left of you. Your money is likely going to the people on your left.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #7
The best position to sit is on the left of loose players and the right of tight players. This way you reduce losses from loose bluffs and are also in position when the tights are in the blinds.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #8
One of the most standard bets by any player who even half-knows what they are doing is three times the big blind. More is often strong, and less is often weak.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips - Amazing Point #9
Similar to amazing point number #2, when you are post-turn with the river to come, if you calculate your outs and multiply by 2 you will have a very good approximate percentage of your likelihood of hitting on the river.
I'm sure you are realizing how powerful and useful these tips will be to improving your poker game. You probably also aware of how important learning and acquiring new tips for yourself can be.
When you learn new information about poker you become a better poker player. Every time you turn up the opportunity to get your hands on some new tips and tricks you become a worse poker player, because your competition will learn that and use it to beat you. Don't miss out, don't fall behind.
Texas Hold Em Poker Tips 9 Amazing Points About Holdem
By: Alex Poker
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