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Few Tips For Eclectic Style Interior Design

Popularity of eclectic interiors where modern style get mixed with an old-fashioned one is still going strong. The trick to mix it well is not to strictly follow stylistic rules, but more to follow your own intuition and avoid abundance of accessories.

The term eclecticism describes the combination of elements in a single work - from different historical styles in architecture fine and decorative arts and, by implication, in interior design.

Not so long ago, the first thought we had while looking at inherited pieces of furniture was how to ged rid of such grotesque heritage. Retired chairs, old tables or chests of drawers, that had their prime time long ago ended up in the attics, basements or garbage, waiting for someone to discover their charm ones again. It turned out that old furniture after the right refurbishing can be a perfect decoration of your house.

You can either do it yourself or use professional service. The process would involve making all the nessecary repairs, good cleaning, touching up worn areas and then applying a new finish. You can paint it in new colour and experiment with some patterns. Sometime refinishing involves removing the finish right down to the bare wood, and starting from scratch. This might cost you some time and money, but definitely it's worth the effort.

Brave fusion of antiques with very modern units can give astonishing results. But possessing one, neatly renovated doesn't nessecarily guarantee a success and fashionable interior. We have to make sure that it would not be odd-looking among contemporary furniture.

One good recipe for mixing styles doesn't exist - operating with contrasts mostly depends on sensitivity and imagination of the person decorating the place. The space should never be jumbled assortment of random items, but a planned and deliberate design. One common theme or shared component would tie everything together. An old, heavy piece of furniture will become light and gain new character in composition with avant-garde and delicate element.

A good tip is to have stay within hues of one colour - if the furniture are well harmonized we can organize their forms based on common colour theme.

The same rule may apply to composing modern and oldfashioned accessories 'lamps, photo frames and candle holders. It is better to use neutral colour palette for the background white, cream, gray, black, brown or taupe.

Try not to make the space feel too crowded with different objects - it's better to do less then too much to keep the friendly and relaxed ambience in your room. Sets of similar pieces from different periods or collections from around the world would be a great idea.

Experiment not only with furniture and accessories, but also with fabrics and textiles - mix rough ones with more elegant, contrast worn surfaces against refined ones.

Use your imagination and follow your intuition and you may come up with a wonderful eclectic style interior design that will make your house look original but keep in mind that it's a place you live and relax in - make sure that it pleases not only an eye, but your soul as well.

by: Jack Corcker

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