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subject: How Can A Dallas Radiant Barrier Save money? [print this page]

The average homeowner in the United States spends around $1,600 or more a year on their energy bill. This article can help provide you with techniques and tips on how to save energy costs at your home and office.

An online magazine recently conducted a survey that determined that using radiant barrier shield in your home can save you up to 15 percent on air conditioning energy costs. This could appear to be a lot, however, because of the sky rocketing energy costs as of late these savings can add up quickly! If you're considering methods of lowering your energy costs whether in a residential or commercial home, then you definitely should really consider installing a radiant barrier shield in your attic.

What is a Radiant barrier shield? A Dallas Radiant Barrier was developed by NASA to shield the astronauts in the extreme climate in outer space. It is a thin layer of aluminum film that helps repel radiant heat transfer from the surface that radiates heat (the roof) and also the surface that absorbs heat (traditional insulation)

A radiant barrier is considered to be an electricity saving product due to the fact that it guarantees that the attic insulation installed will not absorb the radiant heat released by the roof. Permitting you to keep your ac from continually running, helping reduce the energy usage of your house and in turn cutting your electric bill.

With a radiant barrier shield chances are you will feel a remarkable difference in the temperature of your house. You will no more be required to keep the air conditioner running all the time and usually you will even have the opportunity to shut it off while maintaining the temperature in the house! This article we just discussed the benefits of the radiant barrier in the summer time, we did not delve into the benefits of the radiant barrier in the winter! In closing, radiant barrier will help prevent wear and tear on your air conditioner which will result in a longer life and lower maintenance.

How Can A Dallas Radiant Barrier Save money?

By: Orlando Wolf

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