subject: Halloween Outfits [print this page] Halloween Outfits Halloween Outfits
Halloween is on the 31st of October each and every year, its roots lie in a Celtic belief that on this day the thin line between this and the spirit world became blurred allowing for spirits to pass freely into this world.
Nowadays Halloween is looked upon as an opportunity to get dressed up and go out trick or treating in the local neighbourhood, the choice of Halloween outfit still echoes back to those early Celtic beliefs, with a heavy infusion of Hollywood thrown in for good measure! Halloween isn't just for the kids, many adults use it as an excuse to don a scary outfit and cover themselves in fake blood before hitting the town for a night of revelry. So, how does one go about getting the perfect Halloween outfit? The first thing to remember is that it should be fun and whether you intend to go to the party dressed as Dracula or Frankenstein the element of humour should be maintained throughout, after all its supposed to be a night where you let your imagination run riot.
We all know that kids love to dress up and the excitement on their faces as Halloween approaches is plain for all to see, the shops fill with evil looking masks and horrifying sweets, the rubber skeleton is hung up in the shop window and the fake spiders and spray on cobwebs that appear seem to swallow up the shop, turning it into a dark lair of horror and intrigue. Now is the time to get the Halloween outfit, choose the costume carefully, try to be as unique as is humanly possible, perhaps use some make up to accentuate the look you are going for, a little fake blood on the chin below those big fangs is a great look.
Perhaps you have a particular penchant for the macabre and enjoy horror films more than most; with such a dark and twisted imagination you sure to have a great idea as to what character or combination of creatures of the night you want to go for when choosing your Halloween outfit! If you have children, perhaps you can all dress as a group of zombies, a team of the undead hell bent on finding fun and most importantly, for the kids at least, some treats along the way, then when the witching hour is upon you and the children are in bed, you can take your rotting flesh to the neighbours house to carry on the fun.
Finding what you are searching for couldn't be easier, the shops on the high street go mad for Halloween as do those online, providing you with a horrifying wealth of choice, so take some time and ponder each and every option that comes your way, by looking online you can start to build up an idea of what is available and the cost, time spent here will pay dividends when it comes to completing your Halloween outfit, the subtle touches all add to the overall look and provide a great talking point at the party or in the bar
by: Betty Lane
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