subject: Look Out For False Reviews [print this page] If you have been looking for reviews online then doubtless you have come across plenty fake ones, especially when looking for web hosting advice, you come across supposed 'reviews' that are just somebody listing the features of individual web hosts. This isn't a review at all, you could have found all that out by reading the web host's sales pitch.
Find Impartial Reviews of Web Hosting
Even though you want to find the web host with the best features and lowest price, you really have to look for testimonials from actual customers who use the service, so you can find out how well the service works, the quality of their customer service, and so on.
There Are So Many Different Help Desk Systems
How does their customer service work - do you just exchange emails with a specialist, or fill out a ticket and see if they can address that particular question? Spam filters could make your emails disappear without ever having been read. There are also times when the email gets passed so many times that it never gets back to the customer who asked it in the first place.
Know What You Want To Ask Pre-Sale
If you are not satisfied with the comments that you can find about the company, make a list of things you want to know about the company and contact them about your issues. Phone calls will be the most direct way of contacting the company, but you could also fire off an email or use their ticket system, if they have one, because then you will have written proof of their response if you need this later on. This will also be a good way for you to gauge how quickly they respond to inquiries.
Only Go For Money Back Guarantee
You will find plenty of hosting companies offering guarantees of some kind, but watch out for those that are not actually full money back guarantees. Be certain you know exactly what your rights are before you take the plunge. Look out for reviews that comment on billing issues being left unanswered, or refunds that were guaranteed but never came.
by: Logan Oulman
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