subject: How To Stop Your Child's Hearing Loss From Becoming More Complicated [print this page] Parents find it distressing to know their kids have hearing loss. During the first six months of an infant's life, any repetitive interruptions in hearing may have permanent effect on his language facility.
Auditory feedback is something infants must always get in order to learn how to use the motor skills necessary talking.
Indications of hearing difficulties include speech or language delay and change in voice quality. Middle ear infections can lead to loss of hearing.
Other factors that put children at risk of acquiring hearing loss are viral and bacterial infections and family history of hearing loss.
Repeated attacks of middle ear infection on a child must alert his parents into consulting the pediatrician on whether it leads to the child's hearing impairment.
This does not normally happen among children. The American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Newborn and Infant Screening advise that babies less than one month already be screened for possible hearing loss.
Babies who did not pass the first screening should be given a second screening to see whether the child needs to go to an audiologist.
Parents who missed this second screening or are concerned that a child's hearing, speech or language usage does not seem appropriate to the milestones described in most baby books should consult with their baby's doctor without delay.
A doctor whom parents consult for the first time must be given their family histories. Direct your questions to your pediatrician if you are not sure how hearing contributes to the full development of your child.
Most often, a child with temporary hearing loss will not have any lasting problems. In others, prompt intervention by medical caregivers and speech therapists can do much to alleviate or compensate for hearing loss.
A personal hearing device is what children with more severe cases of hearing loss would need in order to develop proficiency in speaking.
Children tend to rebel against wearing a hearing device. Parents must understand how to deal with the resistance of the child.
In cases involving permanent loss of hearing, parents have the option to take sign language classes with their child or to give their child a cochlear implant.
by: John Chambers
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