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subject: Freedomsoft Reloaded Review [print this page]

Unless you might have been dwelling under a rock, you already know Preston Ely and also Pete The Ninja unveiled a super productive real estate investing computer software and system called Freedomsoft earlier in January.

Freedomsoft ended up being an instantaneous success because it solved so many problems and made it simpler for investors to make money in the current real estate market although taking advantage of the most recent technology has to offer.

Freedomsoft provided a way for the non technical in order to launch a high converting, slick looking web site in a matter of min's. The software provided websites, email marketing, a single click contract creation, and also finding comparable product sales is a breeze.

Inside of a few days following launching, Freedomsoft sold out of all the allocated spots for this system.

Well, now they are back.

The bunch has been back to the lab in order to refine and improve upon their best promoting software .

It's called Freedomsoft Reloaded and it will release in November of 2010.

So you might be wondering what's fresh and how affect you?

For starters, there's a lot more of academic. Since markets have got changed so do the particular strategies, so they have updated the education supplies with over thirty hours of new strategies.

Combined with the increased education, they have also implemented a single click direct mail fulfillment to help make your own offline marketing a walk in the park.

You will also have Private Lender website, Short Sale websites, landlord web sites, along with 45 new website templates.

And they've updated to integrate with several third party sites, including social media integration.

This is simply a short list of all new bells and whistles that are included with Freedomsoft Reloaded.

If you're looking to enhance or really kick your real estate investment business into high gear, then I suggest you check out Freedomsoft Reloaded as they're sure to be a ton of free content and you'll have the capability to get a sneak peak of the brand new Freedomsoft Reloaded.

Freedomsoft Reloaded Review

By: Alex Frix

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