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subject: Flirting Techniques To Use On A Woman - 3 Ways To Make Her Smile, Blush, And Fall For You! [print this page]

Flirting techniques can be hard to decipher at times, to really know which ones are working to build attraction and which ones are just building friendship. When you look at most male and female friendships, you will see some flirting going on, but it's not the kind of flirting that really builds any heat. This is one of the many reasons why guys will fail to understand why they cannot get their female friend to fall for them.

They are flirting like a guy friend would, and not like a guy that is actually going to get some action. You need to know the difference if you are going to slide out of the friend zone and become a guy that she wants to date, sleep with, and just cannot get out of her mind.

You have to know how to make her smile, blush, and eventually, fall for YOU!

Here are 3 ways to make that happen using flirting techniques that will make her think of you as MORE than just a friend:

1. You have to make her feel like she has to win your affection.

Most men are going to immediately let a woman know that they are head over heels for them. They are going to do and say things that make this pretty clear right from the start. If you do, then you are just setting yourself up for failure and possibly friendship. What you need to do is to establish that she needs to somehow win YOUR affection.

2. You need to make her second guess herself.

One of the things that I always like to do is to make a woman feel like she is not sure whether or not I am attracted to her. Call it a game if you like, but it WORKS. See, she is going to start to get the feeling of anticipation when she sees you if you make her feel like she is not sure whether or not you are attracted to her. And this is naturally going to cause HER to try and appeal to YOU.

3. You need to take her by surprise.

Women are used to men acting a certain way around them. The truth is, most guys flirt with women in pretty much the same way. So, women become used to hearing certain things and seeing a guy do the same things over and over. When you take her by surprise, you not only stand out, but you also instantly increase your appeal to her.

by: Chris Tyler

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