subject: All Of The Types Of Auto Insurance [print this page] If you are searching for auto insurance, then one of the biggest questions on your mind is what type of coverage you should get. This is certainly an important and vital part to the shopping process, because there are many different types of options out there that do many different types of things. You need to make sure that you are getting the right kind of auto insurance that will cover all of the needs that you have for your car. Here are the basic types of coverage out there right now:
Bodily injury liability: This type of insurance will take care of any of the claims that people might make against you in the case that you get into an accident and you were found at fault. This is very helpful if you want to make sure that you don't have a huge hospital bill to take care of in the case of an accident.
Property damage liability: This is the most basic form of auto insurance because it covers any damage that you make to another person's car in the case that you are found at fault. This will cover any property belonging to the other person that you damage. Almost all states out there require that you at least have this type of coverage for every single car you own.
Uninsured and underinsurance motorist coverage: This helps you in the case that you get into an accident with a stupid driver who doesn't have any auto insurance to cover the damages that they did to your car. This type of coverage pays for your belongings and your car in the case that another person was found at fault. This will help you if you are living in an area where you know a lot of people don't have auto insurance but you want to make sure you are safe.
Collision coverage: This will pay for any damages that you do to your car in the case that you run into anything other than another person's vehicle. Say you are in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, and you run into a pole in the middle of the winter because there is so much snow. This will cover all of the damages done to your car so that you don't have to just have a car with a big fat dent in the front of it.
by: Art Gib
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