subject: First To Follow These 5 Steps Will Make Money Online Within 7 Days [print this page] Step 1: Step 1:
Go to google key words to find your niche. I am recommending muscle building. This is a massive global market with lots of mini niches so type in "best bicep workout". This should bring up around 3,600 global searches. Anything over 3,000 is good so now go and check the competition out.
Step 2:
Go to google and type in "best bicep workout". This should only bring up 11,000 competing pages which again is perfect. Anything below 15,000 is good and means that you're capable of reaching the first page of goole within a few weeks.
Step 3:
Now you need to try and get a domain. Personally I use but use who you want. I know plenty of friends that use As I am writing this is available. This along with .com or .net are good domain endings. Whoever is in there first can pick this quality domain up for only a few dollars.
Step 4:
Right, now you need to find a product to sell. Go to and type in biceps to the search. Having researched this already, Lee Hayward's quality "blast your biceps" product is available and is perfect for this targeted market. Follow the easy set up instructions to get your account up and running.
Step 5:
Now you need to build your site. Wordpress is the best and most search engine friendly site to set up a new page via fantastico but if you're struggling with this then outsource it to a freelanceer on for $5 per hour. This should not take any longer than 3 hours so $15.
You also need to make sure that any content on your site is keyword rich and optimised properly. Again,if this is unknown territory at the moment then outsource the SEO for $5per hour via eLance.
Follow the above instructions and you will have a brand new home based online business making money within days. But remember once the domain is taken then you will have to come up with another niche.
I exlpain all of the above in more detail in my FREE 7 Steps To 6 Figures Home Study Course via my blog site listed below:
First To Follow These 5 Steps Will Make Money Online Within 7 Days
By: Ricky Knight
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