subject: Choosing the Best Hairstyle [print this page] To trim or not to trim, that is the question.
Most of us are afraid to take chances when it comes to hair cutting - it's a make or break thing. It would probably take a long time for the hair to grow back to its original length. In this case, hair trimming is a very crucial decision that a woman makes. It requires proper knowledge and sensitivity.
It would be helpful to determine when a hair cut is necessary. First, try to decide if your hair needs a little reshaping. If so, you should regularly trim your hair edges, with a sharp pair of hair scissors, of course. Just "dust off" the split hair ends. In order to do this micro trimming, high-grade hair scissors should be used so that only the selected hair parts would be cut off.
Next, if you decide that you are in need of a fresh look, try to identify which type of bangs would suit your face shape. If you are round-shaped, then full bangs would fit your frame perfectly. Full bangs would accentuate your wide forehead and lessen the width. But then, if your face shape is square, side-swept bangs would work wonders to soften your strong features. And lastly, if your face is oval-shaped, then any type of bangs would suit you. Just be sure that you use sharp hair scissors so that you would easily achieve the kind of look you desire.
The same applies when choosing a new hair style. You must always consider if a particular hair style suits you - if it would look good on you. You can browse through hair magazines and online websites for hair style samples. You can also ask advices from your peers regarding the hair style you should wear - there are a lot of options, don't be afraid to search.
And when you have finally decided which hair style's perfect for you, entrust the styling job to a credible hairdresser.
Choosing the Best Hairstyle
By: Stephen M. Jackson
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