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subject: Save Money: Learn The Know-how To Start Your Automobile On Water [print this page]

Save Money: Learn The Know-how To Start Your Automobile On Water

Wouldn't you be happy if you knew that you could get your car started with simply H2O? You could attach your car to your garden hose and watch the tank fill up until it was on full without paying a cent! Discover secret to run your car on water and instead of paying for pricey gasoline, you could spend your money on something better.

The cost of gas keeps rising and rising and the average person is having a very hard time being able to keep up. They need it to get around town and they would not be able to travel to work otherwise, so they feel as if they have no choice but to keep pulling out their wallet and paying at the pump. But is this really necessary or is there a better, cheaper way to fill up your tank?

H2O, the simple compound that has so many uses in daily life, has been harnessed for power and energy for years, starting with the water mill of centuries ago. In modern times, a collection of scientists are hard at work trying to figure out how water can be used to power automobile engines.

These scientists have found that the process of electrolysis, which is the method of using an electric current to trigger a non-spontaneous chemical reaction, can transform water into a flammable gas known as Oxyhydrogen. This gas can be utilized by cars when the right method is applied to its engine.
Save Money: Learn The Know-how To Start Your Automobile On Water

Everyone agrees that Oxyhydrogen is a useful and valid source of energetic power, clearly see in its ability to weld metals and cut glass, as it is already in use today. The claim that automobile users can start to fill their cars with water is still false, however, because most cars are not made to handle this conversion.

The other downside to this method, aside from the fact that you should not try it at home because it will probably cause untold damage to the engine of your car, is that even those who claim that it will work still admit that you also need gas. Water alone is not enough to power the heavy and strong engine of an automobile and therefore, it will save you on gasoline costs, but it will not eliminate them completely.

The miracles of modern science are truly wondrous, from the advances in medicine, technology, the internet, and other amazing things. People of last century would not believe their eyes if they saw the lifestyle of today and the things that are seen as necessities for daily living. Whereas they used to travel by horse and buggy and often by foot, businessmen today can be into two different countries in a matter of hours by catching the next flight.

One thing that technology still needs to work on, however, are alternate methods to making cars run. Those that say, "Discover the secret to run your car on water, " need to wait a little more time before it can reliably be proven and therefore, it is best if you do not try this one at home.

by: Wendell John-Baptiste

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