subject: When I Grow Up I Want To Be Like A Child [print this page] when we are young ,we always say ;when i grownup, i want a be a Doctor ,i want to be Pilot,i want to be Lowyer,i want to be Police Officer ,but we ends up something else ,why? young child will never say i want to be a Taxi Driver ,market trader ,road sweeper, Truck driver ,Bus Driver , becouse wish does not make you a doctor ,wealth or health will not make you a doctor, it is the parents ,if the parents give time to there children, when they need it most then the wish may comes true ,when parents too busy or not intrested in childs education then the child will loose the support and guidence . child is always demanding ,always have it his or her way ,
when they reachd to teenage age , they have many friends who is only in school to pass time and fun ,if you ask them what do you want to be as you are about to grow up? they will say i don't know man ....who cares ...
when we reached to age we start behaving like a child again , we want every thing our way ,we are aways right , we will not be able to settle for any thing less. we will not able to love some one truly,we are not honest to any one including our self ,
when we have young children we find very hard to live with them they are demanding ,noisy,and trouble ,but parents don't leave them in foster care they fulfill if not all most of the demands and they looked after them well
when children grown up ,they find hard to live with parents ,they find old people very demanding,noisy,and trouble and to end this we old people ends up in older peoples care home ,why? when are we going to growup ? take care of your olders just like your children ,first baby, look after them just like they did, play with them ,feed them ,just like they did ,
They are like little children ,take them to the park,cinema,shopping,events,abroad for holiday,buy nice cloths,feed them wel,give medicine if needed ,buy presents,pay there bills,take care of the welfare ..... just like they did when you was a baby , you can even ask them what do you want to be when you growup dad? i bet they will say i want be a doctor,or lowyer,or policeman.
by: hasim bham
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