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Appealing World Holiday Destinations

The world has a lot of places that we could visit in order to gauge the change in lifestyle, culture, architecture. There are beautiful monuments across the globe that stand as a witness to the changing times. If you are looking for any such World Tour Packages, then you can chose from some of the most visited historical spots in the world. You can choose the best one depending upon the amount of time that you have in hand and the places that you would like to cover in your trip worldwide. You can also speak to your travel guide or visit websites to choose some of the best international holiday destinations.

Italy is one of the most sought after International Holiday destinations for its beautiful monuments and pieces of architecture as well as the lovely food and culture that one can experience while touring this lovely country. The World Tour Packages include many historical churches such as Sistine Chapel and St. Peter's Basilica that have some of the most famous paintings in the world done by artists such as Bernini, Botticelli, Michelangelo and Raphael. One of the very famous international holiday destinations in Italy is the city of Venice. It is famous with tourists worldwide. It is a beautiful city with lots of palaces and canals.

If you would like to include Europe in your World Tour Packages then it would be worthwhile to take a look at the magnificent Stonehenge, Wiltshire, United Kingdom. It is one of the most prehistoric sites of the world. Historians believe that the Stonehenge was built in 2500 BC. The UNESCO has listed it as a World Heritage Site in 1986. Stonehenge is owned by the Royal family and is managed by the English Heritage. The United Kingdom is a very well known and one of the famous International holiday Destinations due to its richness in culture and heritage. Visitors can also visit the Londons Eye, Buckingham Palace, Hampton Court Palace, Harrods and many other places while touring London.

While in Asia, you can also take a look at the world famous Taj Mahal located in Agra, India. Due to its popularity this beautiful structure has earned its place as one of the most visited International holiday destinations. The Taj Mahal has one of the finest architectural works in India. The UNESCO has listed it as a World Heritage Site in 1983. The main Taj Mahal is built of white marble and is a marvelous piece of art. The World tour packages also include the Great Wall of China in its itinerary in Asia. The Great Wall is approximately 6,400 km (4,000 miles) long. It is believed that close to 2-3 million people died in the process of building this Great Wall.

by: jonegail

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