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Music is your enthusiasm and you want to create your unique rap beats. Nowadays, because of the advancement in technology, everything is not impossible. It has made all things possible. In fact now, if you crave to make your own music, all you need to do is to make some clicks on your mouse and search for a beat maker to serve you out.

What is Sonic Producer?

It is an wonderful beat maker with MP3 export capability, you can have them saved in your computer, iPod, and the likes. There are so many features in the package, such as music production with different keyboards, guitars, and drums, studios as well as tutorials in videos that teach you about the application to produce customized beats. All these features are available online in the "members area" and contain everything including the sounds, software and the system of video lessons and documentation. And the best part is you can access the member section forever, where creator of Sonic Producer, puts all the tutorials on how to make rap beats with keyboard, Logic, ProTools.

Is It Easy To Use?

Anyone, with or without musical knowledge, can understand in minutes as it has a outstanding user friendly interface, and powerful features to go along with it. In my opinion, I'm sure it would be the most suitable for beginner beat makers.

Does it come with preloaded sounds?

Sonic Producer comes with large of sound collection. There are more than 2000 sound database that range from drum beats, chimes to Spanish guitar, and allows you to play around forever. You will have more than enough sounds to make you very own special beat.

Is It Worth Of Money?

There are lots websites in the internet that offer music creation software and services. However, you will realize that they're costly. You'll be spending more than 9 bucks just a single beat. That sounds really insane as it's so hard to find an appropriate beat for your own demand. With Sonic Producer, I can produce numberless special beats that fit your need with the outstanding friendly user interface of this sequencer.Therefore you won't have to buy beats on site anymore after you get this wonderful beat maker.

Will It Work On My Computer?

Sonic Producer works on all computers and operating systems as it is an online beat maker. Therefore it will work on any type of computer or operating system, including PC, MAC, and others with internet connection. If you have any troubles using the sequencer, drum machine, playing videos or entering the members area, you can simply contact their customer service which available 24/7.


There are some other beat makers you can check out. But so far, Sonic Producer is the best to use. It will allow you to make your own beats efficiently. It will be the best for beginners and for those can't afford the time of recording at the studio. You will have some guides around how to do things right and with no trouble. Without any sweat, you will be able to make your own rap beats. It is the best way to start off from the bottom with it.

Sonic Producer Review

By: anthony99doyle

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