subject: Do You Really Know Which Type Of Car Insurance You Need? [print this page] When the time comes to taking out a car insurance policy, whether it's a renewal of a policy you took out last year or a brand new policy for your first year of driving, you are given three options in terms of the amount of cover that you can have. Known simply as Third Party, Third Party Fire and Theft and Fully Comprehensive, they also rank in that order for the level of cover that they offer, with Fully Comprehensive being the most extensive option.
Although the temptation is there to simply choose the most comprehensive level, as it covers the policy holder in almost any eventuality that they may find themselves in, the reality is that this level of insurance is not always the one that is needed.
There's a chance that hearing this may come as somewhat of a surprise, especially if you're parents have done nothing but tell that when taking out insurance of any kind, the more in-depth of a policy you can find, the better it will be and therefore you should only take comprehensive polices out. Whilst there is no doubting that Fully Comprehensive car insurance is the level of cover that results in minimal costs for the policy holder when needing to claim on the insurance, it's important to look at the other two choices, as they could be well suited to your own circumstances.
For instance, whilst Third Party car insurance is the option that provides the least amount of cover and is often shied away from for this reason, it is actually suitable for a small percentage of the market.
Especially useful for those drivers who have only just purchased their car and have no official driving experience, Third Party car insurance can be suitable as the first few months of driving are often spent only taking very short journeys, as the driver builds up experience. Of course, they will naturally gain in confidence the more that they drive, but if they can keep their car usage to a minimum for the first year, they will be able to hopefully receive one year's No Claims Bonus on their Third Party policy.
In terms of a Third Party, Fire and Theft policy, this type of insurance is actually more suited to a lot more people than you may initially think, due to the fact that it covers the policy holder should their vehicle be stolen or damaged due to fire. Yes, it doesn't provide cover for them should they be involved in an accident with another party, but if they are travelling at times or in areas where there are no other drivers, then this shouldn't be a problem.
The best way to determine which level of car insurance is most suitable for you is to sit down and take look at how often you drive, as well as any additional factors, such as where the car is kept when not in use. If you find that you're only travelling a few miles each day, outside of peak hours, consider Third Party and if you're doing the same miles but need a little extra protection against theft, then Third Party, Fire and Theft is the way forward.
Fully Comprehensive is a fantastic type of policy and whilst being suited to more expensive cars, such as those from BMW dealers, it is also often the most expensive and therefore by looking at the other two options, you should be able to see whether it actually is Fully Comprehensive that you require or if a cheaper policy that offers less cover is just as appropriate.
by: Steve Carr
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