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subject: Tamerica Tashin Tw2100 Review [print this page]

Tamerica's TW2100 is a two to one pitch twin loop binding system that can bind documents using Wirebind, double-o, wire-o, twin loop, and double loop binding spines. In this review we will weigh the relative merits of the TW2100, and give you a list of what we see as this machine's strengths and weaknesses.


1.) We always like binding systems that come with fully disengageable dies, and the TW2100 has twenty seven of them. Besides increasing the flexibility and versatility of the machine, that feature alone makes the TW2100 the most affordable two to one binding system on the market that is capable of binding documents that are 14" or legal sized.

2.) Machines that assign too many uses to one handle sometimes put too much stress on the moving parts of the machine causing it to wear out too quickly. The TW2100 avoids this by including separate handles for the punching mechanism and the wire closer. The closer especially benefits from this design. It will help the TW-2100 to retain its accuracy much longer than closers on other low priced wire binding machines.

3.) The punch has a pretty decent capacity of about twenty pages per lift. For the price point of this machine, that is excellent.

4.) The TW2100 is one of the most rugged and durable machines out there. It features all metal construction and there is really no reason that it wouldn't provide you with years and years of reliable service. It looks to us like all of the TW2100 's major components are built to last, and Tamerica must think so too, as they offer a two year warranty on this machine. That is twice as long as most of their competition offers on similar binding systems.

5.) The TW-2100 includes a device that helps to ensure the longevity and durability of the documents that you produce as well. The depth of punch margin control helps you to determine how far from the edge of the sheet your holes will be punched. For larger, thicker documents, it is important to punch in further from the edge so that the pages turn easily and they won't be easily torn from the book.


1.) The wire closer appears to be well constructed, and should last a good long time. Unfortunately, in order to use the closer, you have to flip open a lid to a compartment in which it sits. It's not a terrible idea, and is in fact a pretty clever design. However, you might run into problems on larger volume projects as it can slow the whole process down having to lift open the lid to close the wire on each document.

2.) The punching capacity of the TW2100, as we stated above, is pretty nice for a manual machinate. However, this machine is still a manual punch and thus is best used for light to medium volume projects. If you are going to need to produce large numbers of books or book that are on the thick side on a regular basis, you might want to look into purchasing a machine that has an electric punching mechanism.

by: Jeffrey McRitchie

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