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Many people often think of savings as something related to financial. This is the reason why they usually opt to buy commercial electric water heaters instead of trying to build simple heaters than could be powered by solar energy.

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Most people think that solar water heaters are expensive to build as well as to maintain. However, this is not the case as demonstrated by Tom Hayden when he wrote his ebook "Simple Heaters". This ebooks teaches a step by step and easy to follow process on how to build a solar-powered water heater at home. This is not like other DIY guides which are often replete with engineering jargon and terminologies. He also included in the book the materials needed that is easy to obtain from any local hardware store. In fact, most of the materials that would be used are relatively cheap and could be purchased for less than $70.

The simple solar water heater that the "Simple Heaters" teaches you to build could compete to the heating efficiency of the commercial ones. However, the difference between the two could be found in the savings that one could generate. Whereas, a commercial heater could cost you $1000 and would take long to recoup the investment, a DIY water heater would only cost about a month's savings generated from its use.

Finally, the biggest savings that you could generate when using simple solar-powered heaters is very hard to quantify. This is because it comes in the form of environmental savings. With just a single solar heater, you could already offset about 40% of the carbon dioxide emissions of your car. Just imagine how much it it could help in mitigating global warming if a lot of people uses it.

So don't waste time anymore. Start building your solar water heater with Tom Hayden's Simple Heaters and let's make the earth a little bit cooler.

Click Here For Simple Heaters Instant Access Now!

Tom Hayden Simple Heaters Review

By: Shawn Kimbrough

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