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subject: Low Platelets During Pregnancy, Natural Remedies [print this page]

Many women of young age group get affected by lupus. For quite a long period of time, there is a belief that if these kinds of women get pregnant they will be having salutary abortions. But now this version is completely wrong. Studies reveal that more than 50 percent of the pregnancies with lupus are normal completely, 25 percent of the women deliver the babies with normal conditions prematurely and another 25 percent reports fatal loss because of the instant abortion or the bereavement of the baby.

Nevertheless, pregnancy with lupus is difficult and is considered as serious risk. Pregnant ladies with lupus should always be monitored by the obstetricians who are well versed with the pregnancies with the high risk along with the primary physician of the women. It is also very vital to plan the delivery in a hospital that has got the units fully versed with the premature babies.

In spite of the old facts that the lupus flares are very general during pregnancy, studies reveal that this is not true and it may occur very rarely. Rather, around 15 percent of the lupus patients will gain some improvement in the symptoms of lupus during the pregnancy. It is a known fact that the flares will come during the first or the second trimester or during the period of two months after the period of delivery. These flares indicate some of the symptoms like rashes, fatigue and arthritis. It is also shown that the platelets counts will get decreased during the pregnancy for more than 33 percent of the lupus patients. Around 20 percent of the women will have an augment or new arrival of protein in the urine.

Swelling may be caused to the pregnant ladies due to accumulation of fluid in the joints and in particular in the knees. This may propose for an increase in the swelling because of the lupus which is a usual thing during the pregnancy. Many of the pregnant ladies also experience fresh growth of hair and after delivery will experience more loss of hair. It may also be a symptom of lupus, which also may occur during the usual pregnancy. The important thing that has to be done is to differentiate the lupus flare symptoms from the change in the normal body during the pregnancy.

Many of the women are not sure about the correct time to become pregnant. It is very vital that those women who would like to get pregnant should be healthy so that the baby will not have much problems and also little concerns. Some of the rules like drinking or smoking, eating well and taking medications at proper times as given by the doctor should be followed and the pregnant woman has to visit the doctor periodically.

The Natural Remedies for Low Platelets

A simple breakthrough method that will not only restore your low platelets to normal but will do so without any invasive surgery or prescription drugs. There is a 100 percent all natural alternative to steroids, huge hospital bills or worse...a complete splenectomy. You can now increase the platelets in blood naturally in a very short time. The less expensive home remedies that help increase platelets, decrease their destruction and greatly boost the chances of survival of platelets in the blood manifold. You can learn more on treating low platelets and increasing their count by visiting the guide on natural remedies for low platelets -

by: Ricky Martin

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