subject: Womens Hair Loss Solutions [print this page] Women have always lost haireven as frequently as men do! However, unlike men, hair loss isnt a part of our gender identity. Weve been less likely to accept it and less likely to discuss itfortunately, this is changing. Women finally have options and support for dealing with this challenging issue. Happily, the Internet provides a wealth of information and discussion, so no woman needs to feel that shes the only one. Best of all, there are legitimate solutions for us!
Hairpieces: Once in awhile, a generation embraces wigs as a fun way to change or enhance their appearance. Theres no reason why women cant turn a negative into a positiveuse hair loss issues as a license to experiment! Hairpieces come in all shapes, sizes, and colorsso there are definitely options for any and every woman. The spectrum runs from natural, undetectable enhancements and thickeners to outrageous styles and colors.
Cosmetics: Women have been using cosmetics on their faces since . . . well, thats probably the second thing we did after that whole snake and apple incident. Whether its charcoal around the eyes or pigment on the lips, women are adept at accentuating and concealing. Although theres plenty of snake oil on the hair growth market (lotions and potions promising to make you into the next Crystal Gayle), there are excellent concealing products available. Scalp concealer adds pigment to the scalp to reduce its appearance, removes shine, and eliminates any contrast between the color of the hair and the tone of the scalpan excellent choice for covering thinning hair at the crown. Natural fiber sprays will easily mask bald patches and widening hairlines.
Minoxidil: Snake oil beware; minoxidil really DOES grow hair! This is the only product currently approved by the FDA to re-grow hair for women. Minoxidil is available over-the-counter. The womens hair loss treatment is a 2% solution that is applied topicallythe treatment targets hair growth at the source without the need to bring medication into the bodys systems.
Hair Transplant: This surgical procedure gets a lot of press for treating men, butoddlynot as much for women. Nevertheless, it is a completely viable option for women. Hair follicles are removed from a donor site (usually on the back of the head); they are separated and surgically replaced into the area where hair is not growing. A hair transplant can also be used to replace the evaporating eyebrows that can haunt women.
Although women are often grieved by their thinning hair, millions of us are experiencing this same phenomenon! Thankfully, our choices have evolved far beyond the ubiquitous little old lady perm. By exploring the options, a woman may discover that she overcomes this trial with aplombemerging renewed and re-invented!
by: A. Skopek
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