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Story - screenplay - direction: The story of the movie is about a guy with abnormal life style doing something purposeful. Though the story of the movie is pretty serious, the director has chosen comedy as the way of expression. Hence, you find only 20% of the movie to be serious and remaining 80% is dedicated for humor. Surender Reddy whose strength lies in conceiving good action episodes concentrated more on comedy and ignored his strength of technical glossiness. This film is entertaining as long as you don't mind the script and story. If you look from the script angle, the fifteen minutes before interval and the last 20 minutes make sense. The director must have chosen to treat this movie with humor aspect after seeing another mass director VV Vinayak coming out with flying colors with humor treatment of Krishna movie with Ravi Teja. The idea of loser' code word is good. This film has similarities to movies like Gentleman and Dhoom. And the director has shown a noble intent behind hero's robberies unlike Dhoom film where hero does it for fun. However, the sophistication and technical orientation in heist episodes is missing. The robberies and chases in the movie are unexciting.

Reviews of kick

By: maddy

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