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subject: The Fellowes Star Plastic Comb Binding Machine: A Review [print this page]

Fellowes is a name that's almost synonymous with paper shredders, but they also make some good plastic comb binding machines as well, even for entry-level users. One of these is the Star Plastic Comb Binding Machine. This is a device that allows you to quickly create your own booklets for not a lot of cash. Here are some of the Star's strengths and weaknesses.


* For an entry-level binding device, the Star has pretty respectable punching and binding abilities. It can punch 10 sheets at once and it can bind booklets that contain up to 150 pages. You can use combs that are up to 3/4" thick.

* The Star's punching mechanism allows you to punch your documents vertically. Doing so ensures that the holes will be accurately placed for more professional-looking results.

* This product allows you to punch and bind continuously. This means you can complete your work in a lot less time.

* All of your supplies will be nearby because the Star has a storage tray for all of your combs. There is also a comb selector so you can pick the right spine and not wind up with one that's either too large or too small.

* The Star has been designed so it can be carried and stored easily. It has an integrated handle so you can carry the device like a briefcase and it also has a cover that snaps shut so it won't take up a lot of room when being stored. Plus, the handle is U-shaped and it can be locked into place. (Note: this type of handle is better on your joints that one that's located on just one side of the machine.)

* Although this is an inexpensive device, the teeth and hooks of the comb opener are metal so they're very durable.

* This is one of the most affordable comb binding machines you can buy. The Star has a list price of $114.95, which is much cheaper than having your booklets bound by a print shop. Plus, this product comes with a two-year warranty.


* Since this is a basic machine, it lacks many advanced features including disengageable dies and a depth of punch margin control. Due to the lack of these attributes, you will be stuck with creating letter-sized booklets, although you do have the option of using oversized covers measuring 8.75" x 11.25" if you wish.

* This is a machine that's good for the creation of smaller documents, but it's not at all suitable for making longer booklets. It's also not ideal for organizations that need to produce a lot of booklets quickly due to the unit's manual operation and punching capability.

* Most of the Star's parts are made out of plastic, so this obviously isn't the most heavy-duty machine available. Also, most of the plastic is white, so there's a chance it could become discolored after a lot of time goes by or the device is used a lot.

Overall, the Fellowes Star Binding Machine is a simple, inexpensive product that does what it's supposed to do even though it lacks a lot of advanced features. It would be great for people that need something that's priced reasonably and can create shorter booklets.

by: Jeffrey McRitchie

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