subject: Ideas To Utilize The Right Lawyer When Arrested For Drunk Driving [print this page] Whenever anyone takes a chance on driving after they have consumed alcohol or drugs, the chances of them being caught by the police will certainly be a great possibility. When this happens, a Las Vegas DUI attorney is needed to ensure that all the rules and regulations during the arrest are taken care of. A Las Vegas lawyer will certainly be able to ascertain whether all the procedures were done properly and be able to move forward with the case.
For example, whenever anyone is stopped at the roadside, they do not have to go through those embarrassing tests of balance etc which most would do without nay question. They can insist that any test for sobriety is carried out in controlled circumstances and with their witnesses present. What this does is to make sure that everything is notated properly and is not just left to the officer connected to the case. With the best will in the world, and these officers to have to tend to some unruly people, they are human and can simply be on the wrong end of the day to be rational.
They also have to observe all the rights of the accused, and in the right order, otherwise the case could prove to be untenable. This is where the expert comes in to ensure that all of these procedures are carried out properly. If they are not, then the case could end up being thrown out of court which may be good for the accused, but not so good for those who have been hurt by the accident. Indeed, many people are simply caught out by circumstances where they are not aware that they have broken the law in some way. What has come to the fore recently is how some unmentionable people will actually spike drinks with drugs or other kinds of substances which bring problems in all shapes and forms.
Date rape drugs have been found to be used in clubs and bars where unsuspecting females have been given a drug in their drink. This was done to disable the person so that the perpetrators of crime can have their way later on. However, she may have left the place before the drugs took hold of her and this is where the police could catch up with someone unaware of what they have taken. Unlikely though this may seem, it has happened and this is where blood tests should be taken as soon as possible after arrest to show how this came to be.
Finally, if the case does actually end up in the court, the expert will certainly do his best to try to get the smallest sentence as possible should the accused end up being found guilty. Even plea bargains are on the cards if the accused will submit to some therapy and this is where the expert will be involved more than ever. If the damage done is not too great, or if the accused did not actually damage anything or anyone, then chances are that they will not be punished too badly in his first offense.
by: Connor Sullivan
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