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subject: How To Get A Work Permit For Australia [print this page]

How To Get A Work Permit For Australia

Legal work for studentsLegal work for students. Every international student arriving in Australia is given the opportunity to work legally. Permission to work is part of the student visa for anyone who chooses to study in Australia for more than 12 weeks. Students can start work on the first day of commencement their course. There is a limit of 20 hours/week (part time) during any week when the course of study or training is in session. However, no work limits apply during recognised periods of vacation offered by your education provider (vacation, holidays). Keep in mid that each educational stay in Australia that lasts 3 months or more entitles you to one additional month after completion of your course and a course that lasts more than one year will entitle you to two additional months. During the additional month/s you may work full time. A perfect solution for students who want to extend their stay with full time work permission are packets of two courses. A break between those two courses can last up to 8 weeks. The Australian government allows students to work full time during that time.

Get a reference.

Australian employers value written reference and any other proof of your professional experience. That is why if you have any documents confirming your work history, take them with you to Australia - but first translate them into English. Australian employers value written reference and any other proof of your professional experience. That is why if you have any documents confirming your work history, take them with you to Australia - but first translate them into English.

by: Sebastian

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