subject: Cultural Wedding Rituals [print this page] No matter where you go in the world, a wedding is a universal symbol of dedication, commitment and love. It is a major and life-changing event, a milestone in the journey of life. Although marriage may share a similar purpose throughout the world, the ceremonies and rituals we use can be as varied and unique as the cultures they come from.
Appeal of a Traditional Western Wedding
Many cultures have begun to adopt the traditional Western custom: bride dressed all in white with a veil, walking down the aisle. It is easy to see why this has become so popular. It has a very romantic flair to it and has been glamorized for decades on the silver screen. It is the stuff that little girls dream about and role play with their friends growing up. Wedding dresses can be found in any style. Wedding cakes and the exchange of rings are also staples to the traditional Western-style wedding.
Ceremonies From Around the World
Ever wonder where the phrase "tying the knot" came from? It's an old Celtic tradition where the bride's and groom's hands are tied together. Jewish weddings have a very famous ceremony at the end of the wedding. The groom breaks a glass, crushing it with his right foot, and the guests shout "Mazel Tov!" (Good luck!) In Ethiopia, the groom and four "best men" go to the bride's house. The bride's family and friends block the entrance. The Groom and his best men must sing loud and forcefully to gain entrance. In Japan, the bride will be painted all in white and change outfits several times each day.
Popular Ceremonies
Within just the past few years a few ceremonies have become popular for marriages. Some of these include the unity candle ceremony, the unity sand ceremony, the love letter ceremony and the pebble ceremony. For the unity candle ceremony, a candle is lit from the flames of the bride and groom's personal candles. Once the candle is blown out, the ceremony is over and the candle can be taken home to be used on special occasions.
The unity sand ceremony is similar but gives you something to keep and remember the occasion. The bride and groom have two different color sands and take turns pouring them into an empty vase to make a simple yet beautiful pattern. You can then keep as a lovely keepsake of your special day.
For the love letter ceremony, the bride and groom each write a letter expressing the reasons and desires for marrying the spouse and immortalize the feelings felt for one another on the wedding day. The letters are then sealed and places in the ceremony box with a bottle of wine and locked by the officiator. The box is then displayed somewhere prominent in the house to serve as a reminder and a memento. If there ever arises moments of doubt in the marriage, or upon a set milestone (such as your 10-year anniversary), the couple can open up the love letters to remember their feelings of love for each other.
If your wedding venue takes you to the beach, you and your spouse can have everyone participate in the pebble ceremony. Each guest picks a small rock, pebble, or seashell to fill in the vase. The vase then serves as a beautiful reminder of your wedding day within your home.
Which Ceremony Works For You?
With so many different ceremonies to choose from, it may be hard finding the right one to fit the mood and style of your wedding. You want it to be a memorable and lasting moment that both of you can look back on with fondness. Years from your wedding day how will you look back on it? What feelings will you have towards it? Finding a meaningful wedding ceremony can add to the magic and memory to one of the biggest days in your life.
by: Sarah Simmons
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