subject: Optimize Your Landing Pages To Increase Your Website Profits [print this page] Are you among those who are losing money because of improper landing page design or optimization process? You need not to worry any longer, as with the help of landing page optimization you can improve your profits by almost double folds. Some of the necessary skills to improve your landing page designs are as follows:
* Identify important sections of a page and define the actual economic value
* Segment visitors into groups, based on certain business criteria
* Check the key conversion tasks
* Understand the importance and limitations of the optimization approach
* Design and develop action plan
According to the modern Internet marketers approach, landing page optimization is the process of optimizing the appearance of a page with the help of worthy content and persuasive desing. The purpose of landing page optimization (LPO) is to persuade visitors to become customers or, depending on the purpose of the website, to make the leads give the contact details. With a proper optimization plan, a website can gets better, day by day.
Optimizing a way site from the conversion point of view should be a continuous process, aimed at making improvements on a continuous basis. You test, find a winner, then test again and again. Its called the Kaizen method. The Japanese word "kaizen" means simply "improvement," with no inherent meaning of either "continuous" or "Japanese philosophy"; the word refers to any improvement, one-time or continuous, large or small, in the same sense as the mundane English word "improvement
The landing page optimization process consists of 3 stages namely: Analysis, Concept and Testing.
Analysis Stage Understand Business Objectives
The focus on this stage is to understand the business objectives and the website visitors by following various comprehensive questionnaires based on landing page objectives, target market and other relevant information. In short, it provides insights on how visitors reached your website and how they interacted with it. A web analytics tool is installed and configured to analyze the performance of the existing landing pages and identify user patterns.
Concept Stage Design of Landing Page
In this stage, main focus is to create or design the most persuasive and compelling landing page. The analytics data used to analyze the performance of your existing landing pages, visitors' behavior and other useful data will guide the designer, the test owner and the copywriter (in most cases you will be all three). A persuasive landing page design is made on the basis of data that has been gathered from the web analytics tool.
3. Testing Stage Conversion Rate Lift
With the help of Googles testing analysis tool (Google Website Optimizer), a proper optimization test is carried out.
For low traffic landing pages, A/B tests (i.e. two completely redesigned pages) is the safest approach and for medium and high traffic websites some can run either A/B tests or multivariate tests (i.e. multiple variations of page elements).
Sometime is a good idea to star with the help of a consultant, then carry on test on your own. Landing page optimization service by the experts help the clients to overcome the problems of high costs, lack of expertise and wasted time.
by: Robert Smith
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