subject: How To Plan The Perfect Wedding Day? [print this page] Wedding is just like a dream, which needs to be fulfilled at-least once in a lifetime. After attaining a certain level of maturity, a girl starts planning and framing a picture of her fabulous wedding and starts sharing it with her friends for further improvement of ideas. Everybody wants his wedding day to be the perfect day of his life.
He or she thinks to have a partner, for which life can be devoted to fulfil all his/her desires. Everyone wants his wedding to take place at the best location available with best wedding dress, decorations and flowers, but there are financial constraints, which hinder the way of these wishes; hence, a detailed planning is required to make the wedding day memorable by managing in the limited resources.
2.Cross out the impossibilities and improbabilities In the process of imagining the perfect wedding day, one is prone to wish for impossible things. It is important, to remain practical and to cross out all the improbabilities; as you will be wasting a lot of time, energy and money in the fulfilment of something that is simply not possible.
One important thing to include in the schedule is to take appointment for the hair salon, which always requires considerable time and efforts. It is recommended to take the appointment two weeks before the wedding day and have a dry run at that time, so that you do not have to experiment it on that day.
Financial budget: The list for the guests must be decided as per the financial ease of the host, so that the arrangements can be done accordingly. For instance, if the meal per person is likely to be around 100, then inviting 10 less people would be a straightforward saving of 1000; and this money can be utilized for some other important wedding arrangement.
5.Do not overburden yourselves with extra, minute or unnecessary details It is wise to sublet the load of work to various persons. The florist will take care of the flower arrangements and its timely delivery. Similarly, once when you have decided and ordered for the catering and other services, then do not fret over minor details.
Wedding days are overwhelming for the brides and the bridegrooms, so relax! A perfect wedding day is not possible, if you exert all your energies in the preparation of the wedding; and on the final day, you do not have an ounce of energy to enjoy the result of your hard work. Some things are to be ordered well ahead of time, to avoid inconvenience. Therefore, decide upon the menu, the guest list, etc., well ahead of time.
Settle on the categories: All the categories that will require individual consideration and major amount of money must be planned independently and should be given individual attention. One must not spend so much on the decorations that the funds for the catering services begin to sway. Each category should be allocated a precise amount of money and the host must try to contain all the expenses within that budget for that specific category. Concentrate on all the guests: As each guest who attends the wedding ceremony is invited by the host and therefore, desires to be taken care of; proper seating arrangement, drinks, food and every small need and requirement of the guests should be properly managed and observed. These are some of the most important things that bring about the success of the wedding day and therefore must be taken care of in detail.
by: Mark T King
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