subject: How to Make Your Business Bona Fide Green--7 Secrets [print this page] For most workplaces endeavoring to go green, the effort is about more than appearances. Companies are putting in extra work to reduce their carbon footprint and make a difference in the community.
But today, when everyone is selling green, the savvy conserver must know the difference between real sustainable measures, and pricey fads that sound goodbut ultimately have no real impact on the environment. In your quest for conservation, make sure you get the most out of your time and money.
Suppose you install a countertop made from recycled materials, for example, but pay double for it. Was the extra cost really worth it, especially if additional energy was used in order to recycle the materials?
Following are some ways to make sure your business gets the most "green" for your green:
1. If you are considering installing solar panels to generate energy, consider improving your insulation instead. It's a great way to save energy, and will pay for itself in a short amount of time. Solar panels can be expensive, and it may be a while before you break even. Further, they only deliver optimum output with direct sunlight. Upgrade to dual or triple windowpanes, keep thermostat levels temperate, and if you can afford it, install a geothermal system which will pay off big in the long run.
2. Rooftop gardens are another green option for companies looking to better insulate the office. If you have the resources, a rooftop garden will improve your neighborhood's oxygen and give the team a great lunch break spot.
3. With a little forethought, offices can save money by buying supplies and equipment in bulk. It reduces packaging and shipping waste, too. Just be sure you don't buy more than you'll be able to use.
4. Ease up on your "e-waste." The hazardous chemicals in your cell phones, computers, and batteries don't just disappear once they hit the landfill. If the device can't be used, take it to the "eCycling" program at your local electronics store. When you replace them, choose cleaner electronic devices that have been designed with less lead, mercury, cadmium and other heavy metals (they should comply with the EU's Restriction on Hazardous Substances (RoHS). These new and improved systems are more energy-efficient with longer lifespans.
5. "Standby" mode is an energy drain. Reduce your power bill by 5 percent by simply turning off (and even better, unplugging) electronics when not in use. Power strips make this easy.
6. Encourage employees to use alternative transportation. Investing in a CNG vehicle may be a good choice for some; for others, walking, cycling, carpooling and using public transportation are surefire ways to save money and promote cleaner air on your daily commute.
7. Go paperless. There is no drawback to reducing paper use and waste. If everyone's got their laptops and BlackBerrys handy, why print e-mails and reports? Digitize the archives, manage workflow with electronic systems, and pay bills online (just make sure to backup your files). Commercial office paper waste accounts for over half of the paper waste stream! Spare the trees.
Bonus Secret:Though buying recycled materials may not always be what it's cracked up to be, "recycling" by way of hand-me-downs is always a win. Search eBay or your local paper for high quality used electronics, equipment, office furniture, etc.
Bonus Secret:Smart lighting is an essential way to save energy. Maximize natural light with ample, well-placed, unblocked windows (south-facing windows bring in the most light, especially in winter). Fluorescent lamps have quadruple the lifespan of incandescent, and put out more light. More and more office buildings are installing motion sensors and daylight sensors to save electricity.
Before you go broke going green, remember that the tried-and-true sustainable efforts are often the simplest and cheapest ones. Perhaps the best measure you can take is simply adopting an office-wide conscientiousness.
Turn off the lights, unplug appliances, print less, and find out where to recycle and buy usedthese will have the strongest impact on sustainability and your bottom line. Get everyone on board. And remember, energy efficiency in the office is not a green light to consume more in other areas.
How to Make Your Business Bona Fide Green--7 Secrets
By: Rex Bush, Doctor Of Jurisprudence, Attorney At Law
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