subject: Overcoming The Five Challenges To MLM Prospecting Growth Online [print this page] MLM prospecting presents a significant challenge for most people in network marketing. The fact of the matter is that most people who come into network marketing do so without any real MLM prospecting skills. Plus, the person who sponsored them into network marketing typically does not possess any real MLM prospecting skills either. And to make matters worse, the training offered by the company or your upline ends up being of little to no value at all
With that as a starting point, no wonder MLM prospecting is so challenging for network marketers. Thousands of networkers have started searching online for answers to help overcome the challenges that keep them from building a thriving network marketing business.
The growth of the Internet has created unprecedented opportunity for network marketers. Unfortunately, it has also created a level of confusion and a layer of seeming complexity for so many who are already feeling challenged by their MLM prospecting efforts.
But, the growth of your network marketing business using the Internet is possible and within your reach. Now more than ever, you need a proven plan and process to turn an Internet presence into an MLM prospecting machine. The first thing you need is to understand and overcome the five main challenges to MLM prospecting growth online.
The Five Main MLM Prospecting Challenges to Online Growth.
Challenge #1 - Grabbing the attention of the right prospective business partners and customers. MLM prospecting is not simply a matter of getting your business and opportunity in front of more people.
If you want to grab attention from the right prospects, then it is a matter of putting the right message in front of the right people. Your facebook friends or twitter followers are not necessarily any better prospects than your list of family and friends who never asked to hear about your opportunity.
The top MLM earners who succeed online are putting their message in front of those who are already in or have expressed an interest in network marketing. Those are the people who are online looking for answers. They are not necessarily looking for your opportunity, but they will be more willing to listen to messages aimed at helping them succeed.
Challenge #2 - Giving prospects enough information to interest them in exploring working with you. Once you have grabbed attention, it is important that you are giving your prospects the right information. The top MLM income producers online do not waste effort putting a bunch of worthless information about their company and their opportunity in front of their prospects.
Too many network marketers scare away most of their potential prospects by creating an information overload of mostly the completely wrong information. Your best prospects are not online searching for your opportunity. They are more likely looking for answers to help them succeed in this industry.
Challenge #3 - Turning interest from your prospects into a commitment to join you in business. This is where the top producers online tend to have a huge advantage. And, that is because they have a well designed and implemented marketing funnel.
When people are saying no or you are not getting commitment, it is because they do not see a gain that outweighs the challenge or pain they experience as a network marketer. Your opportunity and compensation plan does not offer enough perceived value to motivate prospects to want to work with you.
With their well designed marketing funnel, the top earners online build familiarity and provide valuable information that builds a relationship with high-quality prospects on autopilot. And that process turns qualified prospects into motivated business partners and customers.
Challenge #4 - Building your business without draining you or your bank account. Yes, it is possible to build a business by talking to everyone you know, inviting them to private business receptions, giving them sample products, passing out opportunity DVDs and Success at Home magazines. The problem is most people run out of steam and can not afford to keep spending money on those kind of MLM prospecting techniques before they ever start making real income in the business.
There are a number of online marketing and promotional techniques that you can deploy for little to no money at all. Plus, when you utilize them correctly, you begin attracting prospects to your marketing funnel instead of chasing after bad leads that never go anywhere.
Challenge #5 - Having a duplicable system so you can teach your new business partners to attract new business partners and customers. The only way to really start making money in network marketing is with the leverage of a downline organization.
It gets frustrating to sign a few people up in your business only to have them never do anything. This happens most often because there is no MLM prospecting system in place for them to duplicate.
But, when you have a system in place designed to build a list, build a relationship with that list, and turn those relationships into income streams then you can teach that to your new downline reps. And because the system works on autopilot with proper care and maintenance, they will be positioned to teach the new representatives that they sign up below them as well.
These are certainly not the only challenges to MLM prospecting that you will face online. But, when you are able to successfully overcome these five main challenges, you will be able to succeed online consistently.
Overcoming The Five Challenges To MLM Prospecting Growth Online
By: Kevin Dervin
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