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subject: Reviewing The Gbc Heatseal H420 Quickstart Pouch Laminator [print this page]

Speed is a great feature to have in a laminator whether you need one for the office, your classroom, or even your home. One of the quickest machines on the market is the new GBC HeatSeal H420 QuickStart Pouch Laminator. It has a super quick warm-up time and it can also laminate your document in almost the blink of an eye. Continue reading to find out more about the strengths (and the few weaknesses) of this new product.

The Strengths:

* With a name that includes the phrase "QuickStart," one would think that this machine is fast. And indeed it is. Thanks to new halogen technology, this device's rollers heat up in just one minute, eliminating the need to wait an extra long time for your device to warm up. This product also has a fast laminating time. It can process a two-foot long document in just two minutes, so this is the machine to get if speed is a priority.

* This is a sleek, compact product that will look great on your desk. It won't take up very much room either.

* The H420 can laminate documents that are up to 12.5 inches wide. Some documents you could laminate include personal papers, photographs, business cards, menus, signs and much more.

* This product can accept three different types of pouches: 3.0 mil, 5.0 mil, and 7.0 mil. This is great because the 7.0 mil pouches will really make your documents more durable.

* When you use the H420, the odds of you experiencing a jam due to a misfed pouch aren't very high because this product has a quick release system that allows you to remove a pouch right before it becomes jammed. Not having to deal with this type of issue will make your work day a little bit easier. You can also use this feature to remove a pouch that might have become jammed in the throat.

* This machine is available for a reasonable price. It can be yours for $299.00 and it comes with a limited one-year warranty.

The Weaknesses:

* Although this unit has the quick release system, you are still advised to use a carrier when you process your documents. Using a carrier will make the laminating process go a lot more smoothly because adhesive won't gum up your device. (That can leads to all sorts of problems - maybe even expensive ones if your machine becomes damaged.)

* This product cannot do cold lamination, unfortunately.

* If you want to laminate documents that are wider than 12.5 inches, you will need a different machine. One option could be the GBC HeatSeal H700Pro Pouch Laminator which has an 18-inch feed opening.

* Likewise, if you need to use thicker pouches, you should choose something other than the H420. The GBC HeatSeal H435 might be a good choice because it can accept 10 mil pouches and still laminate pretty quickly

Overall, this new device from GBC has more strengths than weaknesses. It has a simply fantastic warm-up time and it is great that it can work with three different sizes of pouches. GBC obviously put a lot of thought into the features and design when developing this product. With that in mind, the HeatSeal H420 QuickStart Pouch Laminator should be able to consistently provide you with high-quality laminated documents.

by: Jeffrey McRitchie

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