subject: 9 Small Business Marketing Strategies You Can Use to Get More Clients Right Away [print this page] 9. Partner up with other businesses who have access to resources that you want or need, and form mutually beneficial alliances. This time, I saved the best for last. This technique, which has been called many things, from joint ventures and marketing alliances to host beneficiary or host parasite relationships. The master key to making this millenia old concept work for you is to always be asking: who already has access or has already created significant success doing exactly what I'm trying to do (or something very similar)? There will always be other enterprises who have access to nearly all the resources you could ever need, and if you are cooperative, clever, and helpful, you will almost always be able to strike a deal to get access to practically any resource you need. Whether you form an alliance to get access to a product you'd like to sell, to a customer list you'd like to sell to, or simply to cut the costs on generating leads by forming cross promotions and joint advertisements, you can always make your own resources go further and increase your efficiency and effectiveness by creative and careful use of partnerships & alliances. Think of one asset of one competitor or comparable business in your industry, and you've already taken the first step to forming your joint venture alliance. If you always remember to give before you try go get, you will find doors open to you that you never thought possible.
9 Small Business Marketing Strategies You Can Use to Get More Clients Right Away
By: Walker Wild
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