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subject: Reviewing The James Burns Pb31sp Manual 3:1 Pitch Wire Binding Machine Review [print this page]

The James Burns PB31SP Manual 3:1 Pitch Wire Binding Machine provides individuals and smaller organizations with an all encompassing, feature laden binding system solution, creating books in the elegant 3:1 Wire-O binding style. We investigated this machine recently and compiled for you a list of what we considered to be a few of its strengths and weaknesses.


1.) The PB31SP can punch and bind in the standard 3:1 style, or you can utilize the fully selectable pin levers to create any custom pattern of your choosing. A lot of small businesses and self publishers use features like these to create their own individual look, which can lend some creativity to the process and really help with branding. The Wire-O style in general is one of the more elegant looks that a small publisher can create, and the ability to individualize the books you create is a big plus when you are looking to make a name for yourself.

2.) Another thing we really liked about the PB31SP is the punch handle. It seems that on almost all the other similar machines out there, the handles are located on the right side, meaning that not only do left handed individuals have a more difficult time using the machine, but that on larger jobs even right handed folks can get a little tired. The PB31SP, however, features a D shaped punch handle that can be used with either hand, or by both if fatigue starts to set in. It's just a small touch that makes this PB31SP a great choice for your small organization.

3.) The binding system has just about all of the small amenities you need to make the process as quick and easy as possible. First of all the wire hanging device is conveniently located on the front of the machine to hold your book securely in place while you are putting the pages together and while inserting the wire. There is also a handy Wire-O size guide, closing adjuster and closing guide, all of which combine to make this one of the best Wire-O systems you can find at such a low price point.

4.) The PB31SP can close all of the wire sizes, including the larger ones from 5/8" to 1 1/4" with ease, which makes it fairly unique among Wire-O systems at this price point. With its 38 fully selectable pins, you can also create documents up to 13" in length without any problems.


1.) Though the PB31SP is a great choice for relatively low-volume use, and is plenty feature rich, it is after all, still a manual punch and will likely not be the best choice for larger businesses and organizations that need to create high volumes of books on a regular basis. If that describes you or your organization, you might want to consider an electric system. They do cost a fair amount more, but the time you will save will be significant.

2.) The punch capacity of the PB31SP is not terribly high, at 10 pages per lift. Again, for smaller projects this should be plenty, but on a thicker book or one with a larger run, this might prove to be just a little tedious.

3.) Although this system has a closer that handle larger sized wires, it is a 3:1 pitch system and as such is designed for use with smaller documents. Three to one pitch wires are only available in thicknesses up to 9/16". Larger sized wires are available in 2:1 pitch. However, they are not compatible with the punching pattern produced by this machine.

by: Jeffrey McRitchie

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