subject: Practical Affiliate Marketing Tips – 3 Powerful Strategies To Get More Profits From Your Business [print this page] The affiliate marketing business is a great model for newbies who want to make money from the internet. Although many people started this business, the true fact is that 95% of them will fail in this business and they will not earn any money. Having your website live online does not mean that you already have a successful business.
3 Powerful Affiliate Marketing Strategies
1) Test And Track Your Squeeze Page Conversion
Most people will just get their squeeze page live online they will just focus on driving consistent flow of traffic to their website. While it is true you should be focusing the majority of your time on traffic generation activities when you are just starting out, you will also want to know your squeeze page conversion. It is important to know the number of people who join your list for every 100 unique visitors that come to your website.
If your first squeeze page conversion is 20% and you managed to tweak your squeeze page until it has 40%, you will be getting 100% more subscribers without increasing the flow of traffic. It will be worth the investment of your time to track the conversion for every 500 unique visitors that come to your website.
2) Focus On Being A Content Creation and Distribution Machine
Unique and useful content is the main asset on the internet and you will want to make sure that you will be able to create as much content as possible. That piece of content should contain between 350 to 500 words so that it will contain enough useful information and the reader will be able to read through fast. Do make sure that you have gone through some market research so that you will know the kind of content you should write.
Once the content is created, you will want to distribute it widely in different format like videos, PDF documents, articles and others so that you will be able to create huge exposure for your business. Do create and distribute content consistently so that you will be driving large stream of traffic to your website.
3) Make Good Use Of Twitter Marketing
Many people have been making use of twitter as it is one of the top 20 websites in the world. You will want to create an account and start following people who have the same interest as your niche market. Do not use any of these automation softwares as it will get your account banned. You will want to start off small by following 50 people a day and tweeting relevant content to them. If you have any links to your articles, video or PDF document, you can tweet your link to them so that they can get more information. Do take note that you still need to provide good value to your followers.
Practical Affiliate Marketing Tips 3 Powerful Strategies To Get More Profits From Your Business
By: Zack Lim
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