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subject: Toto Washlet S300 Toilet Seat - Are They Worth The Money [print this page]

If you are looking for an amazingly designed, yet functional bidet toilet seat, look no further than the Toto S300 bidet toilet seat from world leaders, Toto. Designed to attach to a standard toilet, the Toto S300 is a giant amongst bidet seats.

These seats are not cheap, and range in price from between $500 -$1500, depending on model and offers available. They are not hard to install, but a plumber and electrician are often needed. The fitting and plumbing side of things are straightforward, but if you need a power supply installed, an electrician is probably worth contacting. Depending on the location of your bathroom, and existing power supplies, an electrician and plumber can perform the work fairly quickly.

The Toto S300 seat is a wonder. Offering a wonderful front and rear washing experience, with massage mode available, the retractable washlet nozzles hit the spot. Combined with adjustable water temperature, you have total control of your cleaning experience. The unit also provides warm air drying as part of the process, and toilet tissue can become a thing of the past.

If you then factor in the auto deodorizer and the remotely controlled toilet lid, you can be sure that Captain Spock would likely have used one of these on the Starship Enterprise ! Needless to say, as with all Toto products, the unit is well made, effective, comes with a comprehensive warranty, and will provide many years of good service. Oh, and did I forget to mention the adjustable heated seat? Well it has one of those too, so the shock of a cold seat will become a thing of the past.

These units are virtually maintenance free, but always get it services in line with Toto's guidelines to ensure that you have no issues. If the unheard of does happen, Toto provide a fast and efficient spare parts service to get your S300 Washlet up and running again in no time.

To locate your Toto Washlet S300, check out the amazon website via my links. Amazon is a fantastic place to shop. Amazon provide massive discounts and you can get a top of the range unit for less than half the retailers recommended price. I have provided some no-frills reviews on my website and easy access links to the best savings.

by: Orlando Rodriguez

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