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subject: Make Money with Yuwie [print this page]

Yuwie is an online social media site that allows you to earn money by doing the things that you are already doing online. This includes generating free traffic and building a network of friends as well as writing articles or blogging.

The site has been around for a few years, and has a page rank of 4. Thus any articles you write will get noticed so that you can obtain more exposure.

Profile Page

Yuwie allows you to create a unique profile page that will proudly display all of your blog entries, your friends, and much more. You can submit all your articles that you would submit to articles directories or you can write brand new content. But with each article you have the opportunity to add your links for more free traffic.

Make Money

Yuwie allows you to make money in two different ways. One way is that you can make money from your pageviews. You get paid every time someone views your profile page or your articles.

The other way that you can make money is by referring people to Yuwie. The amount that you can earn from your referrals depends on how active they are, as you earn a percentage of their pageviews. Thus when you refer someone, you should take the initiative to make them feel welcome and encourage them to become active members.

Furthermore, when the people that you refer, refer others to Yuwie, you also earn a small percentage of their pageviews as well. Thus the amount of money you can make is pretty good when you take into consideration the fact that you would be doing these things regardless of whether you got paid or not.


How is Yuwie able to pay you? Well, they display ads along with your content, on your profile page and so on. That is how they make their money, but they are willing to share it with you, because you are the one that is doing all the work.

Therefore if you are looking to build a network of friends and free traffic, then you owe it to yourself to at least check it out and see what they are all about. But remember that you will only get out of them what you put in. This means that if you want to get lots of traffic coming from them, then you need to be active and make yourself known in the Yuwie community and upload new content on a regular basis.

Make Money with Yuwie

By: Helen Reimer

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