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subject: How To Save Money When All You Wan To Do Is Spend It [print this page]

Have you ever wondered why you spend too much? You may be earning quite a bit with your job, or your parents are giving you weekly allowance. This may be enough for you, but at times, you may be cut short because of spending too much! There are plenty things around you that can really drain you of your money. These may include fast food restaurants or interesting mementos you saw at the souvenir shop. This doesn't even make up most of your worries. Are you a fan of enjoying the night life or even just a simple day at the mall? Spending time at the arcade or at a bar can really be costly. Here are some ways to resist these temptations.

Know Your Priorities

Is your allowance or income enough for food, transport, and other important payments? You should always consider this before even thinking of spending money. If you know your priorities, you can easily budget your needs. This will prevent you from spending unnecessarily because you know what you really need to spend on.

Enforce Your Priorities

Just because you already have your priorities highly considered, it doesn't mean you aren't open for any weaknesses in your spending spree. Discipline yourself by not spending when you don't have to. This change in your attitude can really make you more resistant to the different things you may be tempted to spend on.

Secure Your Money

You can't spend anything if you don't have anything, right? Keep your money safe where it is out of your immediate reach. Some people put their money at the bank for safekeeping while others secure their allowance at home. Limit how much you bring with you every time you go out. This will prevent you from the desire to spend on something you see inviting.

Budget Your Finances

It is always imperative that once you have your priorities figured out and your money secure to budget how much you spend. This organized way will definitely let you spend wisely. Make a list of your expenses and what you've spent so you can adjust your earnings for the next period of time. Weekly budgets are very helpful because they are flexible to adjust.

Spending too much money is a problem many people face. They need to be able to know the priorities and enforce them. This will help them control their spending attitude. Once you successfully do that task, secure your money and budget it.

by: Michael C. Miller

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