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subject: Ways To Stop Wasting Your Money [print this page]

We've always heard it's the little things we purchase that siphon the money from our pockets. Spontaneous purchases like junk food or last minute items while we're waiting in line are only some of the marketing temptations we must learn to avoid. There are a few other pleasure items and lifestyle habits that consumers also have a difficult time saying no to that siphon those coins out of our pockets even faster.

If you're a coffee drinker, you already know where we're heading here. Now that summer has arrived, the temptation for iced cappuccinos or any take-away coffee product will have you digging deep into the creases of your pockets to find the change to pay for these delectable delights. Learning to make them yourself will not only save heaps of pocket change, as in almost $5 a shot, think of the 600+ calories you will also save yourself now that swimsuit season is upon us.

Any sort of fast foods or take-away meal are very expensive. If you enjoy this style of eating once in awhile, it will not be as hazardous to your cash flow as it is for someone who eats this way on a regular basis. Not only is making your own meals healthier, it will save you hundred of dollars each month. Not so sure it's that expensive? Save your receipts and grab a calculator at month's end. You'll be surprised at how quickly it all adds up.

A compulsive shopper will no doubt have more clothes than they can wear. Therapy shopping is also an expensive idea. Buying clothes that we don't need will definitely take the money out of your account. Not only are another pair of jeans expensive, they're unnecessary, especially now that summer is here.

A large expense for many people is music CDs and DVD movies. Buying them new is not only expensive it's also unnecessary. Almost every video rental shop in the country offers used re-sales that all come with 30-day guarantees in the event that you find a scratch or error. Instead of paying $30 to unwrap the cellophane, why not spend $10 and enjoy the same effect. I mean, having 3 of anything for the price of one is a preferred deal.

Taking the time to think about our purchases and determine what expenses are really necessary, and how to reduce the amount spent on non-essentials is a sensible way to really reduce the amount of money that we waste every day.

by: Molly Wider

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