subject: What Content To Use For Online Success-What Is An Article Directory by:Craig Andrews [print this page] Have you ever looked up a topic on the internet and discovered an excellent article that was not part of a blog website? Perhaps you have that did not pay very much attention to the venue, which published the article. That is, you notice that it is an excellent article and that it is one article out of many in a huge online collection. How did this huge collection of articles come to be? Well, the article is part of a large collection known as an article directory.
How to choose content for online success is a question we must always ask ourselves. Article directories are exactly as the name would imply. They amass collections of essays and articles organized by topic and presented so that interested parties can read them. Often, the authors of the articles write the articles to promote himself or herself or business. As "payment", the publishers of the article directory allow the writers to include links within the content of the articles. These links usually point to websites owned by the writers. So, the writers are using the articles as a promotional vehicle. For example, to an article on professional tennis can be used to promote a website that sells tennis equipment.
What about pay per click when it comes to how to choose content for online success. The publishers of the actual article directory are able to earn an income from a variety of online monetization processes. For example, many article directories include pay per click advertisements. If an article directory publishes thousands of articles and all of these articles are indexed in the search engines, then the amount traffic the article directory receives can be significant. Therefore, the conversion rate on the pay per click advertisements can be significant.
Since article directories pull in significant traffic, creating a mini article directory on a website can easily duplicate the flow of traffic that major article directories receive. After all, it really is a simple process based on simple math. If you are adding hundreds of articles to your website everyday then you will soon reap the benefits of organic traffic as the articles on your site are indexed in the search engines.
In closing, I hope this article gave you some solid direction when it relates to how to choose content for online success. To success in all you do.
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