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subject: For A Reliable Vacuum, Try A Dyson Dc25 Animal [print this page]

Housecleaning has to be done, and if you have pets, you probably need to vacuum more often because of pet hair. Wouldn't it be nice to have an appliance that not only does a very efficient job, but also handles the pet hair problem easily? A Dyson DC25 Animal is a simple vacuum to use, and you can count on it to do a very competent job on your floors.

The Dyson DC25 Animal is the most popular of all Dyson vacuums. It operates on a swivel ball rather than four wheels, which allows for easy maneuverability while cleaning. And the suction power of a Dyson vacuum is excellent. You will pick up dirt more quickly and efficiently than with other vacuums.

With the Dyson DC25 Animal, you can clean all types of floors. A motorized brushbar will enable you to clean carpets effectively, and by turning the brushbar off, you are ready to do your hard floors. A mini turbine tool comes with the vacuum for cleaning furniture and the inside of vehicles. All of the vacuum's accessories are stored on the appliance itself, so you can easily switch from one tool to another. And fingertip controls make your Dyson vacuum the simplest to operate.

Maintenance of the Dyson DC25 Animal is as easy as vacuuming with it. The HEPA filter, and all filters, are washable. The clear bin allows you to see when it needs to be emptied. And you never have to worry about buying bags for your vacuum, as it doesn't use any. The power cord stores on the back of the appliance. And all Dyson vacuums have a five year warranty.

Shopping for a Dyson DC25 Animal can also be an easy task. You can find a great selection of Dyson vacuums at The user-friendly website offers helpful information and guides you through your purchase of a Dyson vacuum. Plus, you can also find accessories for your Dyson DC25 Animal that will help you with the cleaning of your home.

A Dyson DC25 Animal will make quick work of all of your housecleaning needs.

by: Thomas Jafferson

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