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subject: Gripe Water Pros And Cons Review [print this page]

Have you had a new addition to your household? Has your child been labelled as colicky or ill-tempered? I am positive you have been exposed to the astounding results of gripe water for infant colic. Want to know exactly what the gripe water pros and cons are and what this remedy actually does?

In this article you will discover everything you need to know about gripe water, the pros and cons, what it consists of and is it safe to use on newborns. The aim is to provide you with all the data you need, unbiased facts, for you to be able to make the best decision for your newborn.

Gripe Water-What Is It?

The first ever gripe water cure was created by William Woodward and the Woodward name has carried on ever since. Gripe water can be bought anyplace in the world and is readily available in pharmacies and even food shops.

There are so many different types of gripe water for babies and so many different makes. The true gripe water had dill, fennel, sodium bicarbonate and alcohol which has been deemed as unsafe for infant consumption.

Confusion is easily set in when as a parent you are faced with so many different kinds of gripe water and you are unsure of which ones work best. Stick with the strictly herbal formulations or perhaps try making one yourself just to be sure they are purely herbal and not harmful.

Some gripe water brands contain a combination of Fennel, Caraway, Lemon Balm, Ginger, Peppermint, Chamomile, Aloe vera, Blackthorn, Dill, Angelica, Cinnamon or Aniseed.

Gripe Water Pros And Cons

This remedy is easy to find and give to your baby as well as being relatively harmless to the well being of your child. However there are some allergies that could occur if your baby is sensitive to any one of the ingredients in this remedy. The gripe water side effects or side allergies range from the less serious skin rashes to the more severe wheezing and difficulty breathing.

Another major disadvantage is gripe water is not recommended for babies under the age of one month. This unfortunately rules out a large majority of babies suffering from colic. Now that we have got to the subject of colic, does gripe water cure colic?

Gripe water is most generally connected with the tag colic, however, the term colic itself does not have an actual definition. There is no scientific or medically known cause of colic making it one of the most difficult conditions to treat.

Most parents assume that reflux, indigestion and wind cause colic but these are not the culprits but the symptoms of colic. This is what gripe water soothes. The symptoms of colic. What is the cause of indigestion, gas and wind? This is what we need to know to actually cure colic and not just treat the symptoms.

If you are looking for a symptom easer then gripe water is worth a try but if you want to know how to cure colic, then you firstly need to know the cause of colic. Colic is very difficult to relieve unless the cause is treated. Stop waiting and treat the cause of colic now!

Don't wait any longer, find out the cause of colic and the number one remedy to treat it!

Gripe Water Pros And Cons Review

By: Kaia

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