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subject: Comparing High Efficiency Gas Furnace Price Reviews [print this page]

There comes a point in time where you have to replace the furnace and high efficiency gas furnace price reviews could help you make your decision. There are often rebates that you can apply defraying the cost. Depending where you live and what your area offers there are many choices.

As opposed to the two stage burners the 90 percent furnace has a greater efficiency and less stress on the motor. The BTU is around 60,000 to 120,000 for this type of heater. They will cost around $3,000 for the unit and installation.

The furnace with multiple stages has the best reviews for high-efficiency and produces the greatest level of comfort in the home. Variable blowers create a consistent temperature in the home. They are cheaper to operate over time but more expensive to purchase as they run the the $3,500 and up range.

If you plan on living in your home less than 5 years or live in an area of the country that experiences mild winters you could opt for the 80 percent furnace. It is less expensive up front and will most surely be an improvement over what you already have in your home. You will save money with this option, not as much as a 90 percent.

If you do not have access to a gas line the sealed oil furnace is a great option. They can be as efficient as the gas furnaces but the fuel costs could be higher depending on your usage and where you live. They are a quieter option and they don't require the same type of venting.

You have lots of options depending on your budget and your ability to access gas lines or use oil for fuel, the options in an energy efficient furnace are better than ever.

by: Annie B. Williams

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