subject: The Cost Of Time For Your Thailand Dental Holiday [print this page] There is a new movement going on right now called the "New Rich". These people believe that money is not the ultimate currency in life, but time. Time and freedom is what really matters and is far more powerful that money.
So how does this apply to your Thai dental holiday? Great question, when you consider traveling abroad to get your dental work done, you also need to consider the cost of your time involved.
If you have a standard job with vacation time, you can work this out very easily. You will have nothing to stress about because you can simply take time off and get your full pay for that time away from work. Not a bad deal. Fix your smile while getting paid and traveling to an exotic country. Life could be worst.
However, what if you do not have the option of taking vacation time? If this is the case, you will actually lose money when leaving for a dental holiday.
This is where you will need to do the math to see if it makes sense for you to take the time off.
We will use the example that you make $4,000 a month. If you need to take a week off you will be losing about $1,000 from your monthly income. Then if you are in a tax bracket of 30%, the actual wages lost will $700.
If your local dentist charges you $5,000 and if the cost of your Thai dental holiday is $2000, you will be ahead over $2,300.
Not bad for getting to travel, having your dental work done, and time away from the office. This simple math is why more and more people are traveling outside of their country to get health and dental work done.
If you are considering this course of action, you need to ask yourself if you can afford NOT to take a dental holiday.
by: Peter Nastrom
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