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subject: Dell Studio Xps 16 Review [print this page]

If you are one of those power crazy individuals who would like to show off this part of yourself with an equally cutting edge laptop then the Dell studio XPS 16 is the right laptop for you. This laptop is one of the best looking laptops that dell has introduced in the market that is brilliant not only in the looks department but is also intelligent. With this version of the dell laptop you will surely make a unique style statement because of its sleek design and a wonderful combination of metal and leather looks. The display of this laptop will surely catch your attention; in fact with a 1080p display you are sure to enjoy every graphically enhanced movie, game or even pictures.

Although the Dell studio XPS 16 is a bit high on the price, those who want to invest in a good laptop will definitely do so with the Dell. This is because the Dell studio XPS 16 is not only good in its looks and its features but is an excellent laptop that is built for function. Dell has been synonymous with the corporate world. However the Dell studio XPS 16 has broken from its corporate image with its sleek and slender contoured laptop that is also available in different colors. Now you no longer have to choose between black and silver which most corporate laptops are, you can now choose between the Arctic white, Merlot red and the Obsidian black laptops. This has surely put dell on top of all its competitors who have now a new bench mark to meet when it comes to delivering laptops that are not only functional but also beautiful to look at.

One look at the new Dell studio XPS 16 and you will instantly understand that this new look that dell has adapted for its laptop is surely sleek and top of the line. The brushed aluminum accents, sleek lines, and magnesium alloy body makes sure that it is not only beautiful but is also sturdy for everyday wear and tear. A few other functions that make this laptop unique are the easy to use media buttons that are touch sensitive, drop hinges, wedged shaped profile and the slot loading optical drive which makes it an excellent companion for your personal use as well as business use. You can now use it to view high graphical videos and even play games that require high resolution color screens to make it come alive and give you an unique experience.

The laptop is not only an excellent entertainment system but it is also brilliant when it comes to staying in touch with the online community. This is because of the options available between Bluetooth, WI-Fi connectivity and broadband connectivity. Other features included in this laptop include easy connectivity to your HDTV and other entertainment devices and even projectors; which makes it wonderful for all your business presentations as well as your entertainment night out especially when you want to watch Hi-def movie.

by: denybukn27

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