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subject: What Is Hard Money Lending? [print this page]

You must keep some important things in your mind when you are on lookout for hard money lending services discussed above. First among these are; does this lender has his own website? And is this site a professional one. Secondly, you must ascertain whether he has some physical address also apart from the telephone number displayed prominently on his website. Apart from the above, you should also check the following on his website:

- Few successfully closed deals

- Firmly defined terms and conditions

- Is he a member of The Better Business Bureau?

- Any minimum or maximum limit on the loan and the interest rates

- Testimonials from the existing clients

- All these things are important and clearly depict that a true and fair as well as professional hard money lender is in the field to assist you with finance for your real estate investing deal.

What Is Hard Money Lending?

By: Joshua

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