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subject: The Amazing Miele S7 Vacuum Introduction [print this page]

Purchasing an upright vacuum cleaner can be difficult sometimes. A lot of times you will have no choice but to compromise with vacuum cleaners that do not offer crucial features. There may be vacuums out there that may look good on the outside, but when it comes to cleaning, it doesnt meet all the performance needs required in a household. They tend to fall apart when you seem to need them the most. If you wish to find quality vacuum cleaners online, then I would recommend that you visit The Miele Company has just released a new upright model called the Miele S7.

The Miele S7 upright swivel neck, and is one of the most effective features when it comes to maneuverability. The average upright vacuum can only go forwards and backwards and in a straight line. However, the Miele S7 can easily go around curves to get to hard to reach places in your household. The Miele S7 contains a swivel neck that swivels around tables, chair legs, and more.

The featured swivel neck lays down flat to the floor. All you would have to do is tip the machine back all the way, and your vacuum will lay flat to clean areas. You can also clean edges and hard floors real easily. The bottom of the Miele S7 has small casters attached, which offers supreme agility while vacuuming around the house.

The Miele S7 is equipped with a spring loaded brush-roll that will automatically adjust its height for vacuuming various lengths of surfaces. The Miele Company tests and re-tests all products, while utilizing strict standards and policies, to ensure your vacuum cleaner will last up to twenty years or more.

Miele has been producing quality vacuum cleaners since 1927. The first vacuum made from Miele, was a bucket-type cleaner. These days, Miele makes stylish upright canister vacuum cleaners that go beyond most consumers expectations. The Miele upright is a state-of-the-art vacuum cleaner that also offers style. With the addition of the swivel head, the Miele S7 is a truly effective machine.

by: Alexia Morton

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