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subject: Hotels In Hong Kong - A General Guide To Accommodation For Different Budgets [print this page]

Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities in the world and a magnet for foreign visitors - both tourists and businessmen alike. With a thriving urbanized environment with skyscrapers and people everywhere, it may be quite daunting for new visitors to find suitable hotels here that are easy on the wallet, yet provide excellent accommodation.

It is important that you choose the right hotel that will provide you with a memorable experience that complements your visit, be it for business or pleasure. A stay at a good hotel will leave you feeling rejuvenated after a long, tiring day exploring the city. So how should you go about searching from the numerous hotels that Hong Kong has to offer? You can read on to find out more about the different types of hotels in the various districts which cater to your specific needs and budgets while providing great value for your money at the same time.

Widespread Availability of Hotels in Different Districts that Cater to Various Budgets

In general, hotel rooms in Hong Kong are generally smaller in size compared to rooms found in major cities in the same price range, as the room design generally caters to Asian physiques. This is the case unless you opt for a room upgrade at additional cost. However, if you are not particular about room size, you can still get good value as four-star hotels here generally cost less than in other major cities.

Kowloon and New Territories - Your Choice for Budget to Middle-Ranged Hotels

For a low cost hotel, you may want to take a look at Kowloon and the New Territories, which are home to hotels that generally cost less than those on Hong Kong Island. For budget travelers looking for a more accessible location while enjoying these cheaper rates, I suggest you to stay in Kowloon as this region is conveniently linked to Hong Kong Island and the New Territories via Hong Kong's extensive transport network. Here you can also enjoy shopping facilities as well as experience the authentic local culture and flavours that this district has to offer.

Hong Kong Island - Your Ideal Location for the Best High-End Luxury Hotels

If you have a larger hotel budget, you can indulge in the comforts of a luxury hotel which is likely to be found on Hong Kong Island. Here, you are only a short distance away from well-known sights such as Ocean Park and Victoria Harbour as well as large shopping centres and the state-of-the art Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC), which is ideal for both leisure and business travelers.

Easy Access to Other Parts of Hong Kong by Taking Public Transport

Wherever you choose to stay in Hong Kong, you can also enjoy easy access to other parts of the territory by utilizing the extensive and convenient transport networks that include the MTR (Mass Transit System), tramways, buses and ferry services.

by: James Brad Lee

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