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subject: Portable Generators - Having Portable Generators Available Can Save Time and Money [print this page]

Having one or more portable generators handy is a great idea if you need to operate electrical equipment in remote locations or areas that are simply just too far to run an extension cord. If you are operating heavy metal saw equipment, you will likely need more than a simple house electrical outlet for your needs or you will be heading to your fuse box frequently to adjust thrown switches.

Portable generators come in various sizes and power capabilities so do some research before you purchase and make sure you are getting the best equipment for your needs. Some generators you will likely be able to lift yourself and others you will need assistance with. Consider the vehicle that you are going to most often transport your generator in. A great vehicle for generator transport is a pickup truck with an open flatbed. You will also want to consider security for your generator if it is fairly easy to move. Perhaps you can chain it down in your flatbed truck or maybe you have a cover that will provide physical security or at least cover it from view.

Portable generators will also help maintain progress on a project in the event that a regular power source is compromised. There are a variety of generators that may suit your needs including residential, professional, inverter, and towable, so check out your options. You will also need to decide if you want an electric start generator as well as whether you prefer a gas or diesel operated generator. Prices will usually range from a few hundred dollars to several thousand, depending on the generator you choose. If you buy online, ask about free shipping or other discounts for which you may qualify.

Portable generators for residential use generally are small units that go from 1000 to 8000 Watts of power. This is a typical generator found in a household garage. On jobsites, you will likely see generators in the mid to large size range that go from 3000 to 18,000 Watts of power. If you travel frequently in a motor home, it's a great idea for you to have a backup generator in case there isn't a hookup available at the KOA or your campsite. These generators typically average 1000 to 6000 Watts of power. For specific, elite electronics like computers and expensive flat screen televisions, you could use an inverter generator which will give you consistent power and protect the equipment in the event of a power failure or surge.

Portable Generators - Having Portable Generators Available Can Save Time and Money

By: Scott Kahle

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