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subject: The Best Microscope to Detect Scabies [print this page]

Scabies are caused due to the presence of microscopic mites beneath the surface of the skin. These mites cannot be seen with the naked eye and therefore the skin is often tested under a microscope. However, there are a few things to keep in mind while testing the presence of scabies.

To begin with, always remember to take pictures of unaffected skin. Such a way, you would have a predefined' set of images to compare against each other. Secondly, do not remove the plastic protecting the lens of the microscope since this can lead to contamination of the device. Also, the lens may also lead to formation of dust particles, which can lead to incorrect diagnosis. It has been observed that the black dots on the surface of the lens can appear as black dots.

Secondly, try and be as sceptical as possible about your observations. Sometimes, the patients try and over-interpret their findings but it must be remembered that any particle observed with 400x zoom can appear pretty alien. Make a mental note of symptoms observed at the time of recording these images and try to attach them together. Also observe the redness of the skin or any scaly appearances under the microscope. For the most part, it would be suggestive to get this examination done with your medical practitioner. Although these microscopes have fixed zoom lengths, you can alter them between values as well. Once you have started treatment for scabies, you can then detect the effectiveness of your drugs or applications.

The Best Microscope to Detect Scabies

By: Jesse Ryan

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